24th Heremans Lecture, by Diane Mathis on 24th February
She will enlighten us on the molecular and cellular basis of T-cell tolerance.
On January 5, 2021, the Belgian SARS-Covid vaccination campaign began. On this occasion, our experts in immunology (Pierre Coulie, Sophie Lucas, Jean-Christophe Renauld and Benoit Van den Eynde) and in virology (Thomas Michiels and Jean-Paul Coutelier) explain the challenges of vaccination and help the general public to tell true from false. Effectiveness, side effects, the need to get vaccinated but also the principles of vaccination, find out more through the links below:
Morocco.DetailZero.com - These substances do not cancel the effects of anti-Covid vaccines (Pierre Coulie) - 1/02/2023
Archyde.com - Has our immunity dropped? “We have forgotten it, but the hospitals were overloaded in this period before the Covid” (Sophie Lucas) - 15/01/2023
Newsy-today.com - “Immunocompromised patients are in code red” (Stefan Constantinescu) - 23/02/2022
Archyde.com - Infected by Covid-19, there is a much greater risk of developing a serious form if you are a man: why? (Pierre Coulie) - 13/02/2022
NewsFounded.com - Is Omicron our best booster? (Sophie Lucas) - 8/02/2022
Archyde.com - “The status of scientific expert cannot be acquired by simple self-proclamation”, denounce about fifty academic personalities (Sophie Lucas) - 31/01/2022
NewsFounded.com - Jean-Christophe Renauld, epidemiologist: “10,000 lives saved thanks to vaccine” (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 30/01/2022
New.in-24.com - Why some people do not contract the coronavirus even by being exposed to it? (Sophie Lucas) - 19/01/2022
DigLogs.com - “If we wait to feel the pressure on the healthcare system, it will be too late to take preventive measures” (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 22/12/2021
Newswep.com - When to do the booster? How to register ? Why did I receive a different vaccine? (Sophie Lucas) - 19/12/2021
RemoNews.com - Covid-19 vaccination: the recall in practice (Sophie Lucas) - 16/12/2021
News.in-24.com - Omicron will sweep over Belgium: “And we cannot afford to wait for a vaccine adapted to this variant, it is already too late” (Benoit Van den Eynde) - 13/12/2021
News.fox-24.com - The difference between vaccines for children and vaccines for adults (Sophie Lucas) - 6/12/2021
Archyde.com - What are the differences between the pediatric vaccine and that for adults? (Sophie Lucas) - 4/12/2021
Newswep.com - “Pregnant women must be vaccinated”, assures Michel Moutschen (Sophie Lucas) - 1/12/2021
News.in-24.com - Sophie Lucas, immunologist at UCLouvain: “We must prioritize the third dose rather than wait for potential new vaccines” (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
247NewsBulletin.news - Snap button or scratch: how variants cling to cells (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
MirageNews.com - Covid: from press stud virus to Velcro variant (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
Newswep.com - A variant can cling to our cells like a velcro, instead of a snap (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
RemoNews.com - “A logical choice”, “we deprive ourselves of an important barrier”, “our managers have never been to the disco”: the experts react to the measures decided by the authorities (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 17/11/2021
News.in-24.com - Is “natural” immunity better than immunity acquired from the vaccine? (Sophie Lucas) - 15/11/2021
Newsy-today.com - Covid in our schools: Catherine Fonck calls to “take measures, as of today”, the education sector downplays (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 22/10/2021
DigLogs.com - “If we are not vaccinated, we must hurry, because we will be more exposed than others to serious forms” of Covid (Sophie Lucas) - 19/10/2021
RemoNews.com - “The first effective cure when you are infected with covid”: an American pill gives rise to great hopes (Sophie Lucas) - 2/10/2021
New.in-24.com - Here are the answers to your questions (Sophie Lucas) - 20/08/2021
Archyde.com - Coronavirus: why are there more people hospitalized than a year ago despite the vaccine? (Pierre Coulie) - 12/08/2021
NewsBeezer.com - Covid-19: RNA, adenorivus, preservatives ... what exactly is in a vaccine dose? (Sophie Lucas) - 5/08/2021
New.in-24.com - After the coronavirus and malaria, will messenger RNA allow the development of a vaccine against AIDS and cancer? (Pierre Coulie) - 27/07/2021
Archyde.com - After malaria, will messengerRNA help develop a vaccine against AIDS and cancer? (Pierre Coulie) - 27/07/2021
New.in-24.com - Ten scientists tell you why it is important to be vaccinated against the Covid: “This is how you will avoid further suffering linked to a 4th wave” (Sophie Lucas & Pierre Coulie) - 27/07/2021
New.in-24.com - Vaccination of adolescents: what is the risk-benefit balance? We answer all your questions (Pierre Coulie) - 8/07/2021
New.in-24.com - Covid in Belgium: should we be worried about the sudden increase in contamination? (Sophie Lucas) - 8/07/2021
New.in-24.com - Benefits, risks, agreements, side effects …: here is everything you need to know about the vaccination of 12-15 year olds (Pierre Coulie) - 7/07/2021
Switzerland.in-24.com - Immunologist brushes aside misconception about vaccination: “Thinking like this doesn’t make much sense” (Sophie Lucas) - 7/07/2021
New.in-24.com - Do the “grinder” after vaccination, like on TikTok, is it useful for post-injection arm pain? (Sophie Lucas) - 4/07/2021
Euronews.com (+ video) - EU on target to vaccinate 70% of population by the end of July, says Brussels (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
OdishaBytes.com - Fact Check: Did Nobel Laureate & French Virologist Say Vaccinated People Will Die Within 2 Years? (Sophie Lucas) - 26/05/2021
NewsMeter.in - Fact Check: No. Nobel Laureate did not claim that vaccinated people will die within 2 years (Sophie Lucas) - 25/05/2021
Archyde.com - Measuring the antibody level, the false good idea of the European covid certificate? (Sophie Lucas) - 21/05/2021
News.in-24.com - This summer’s health pass continues to divide public opinion in Belgium (Sophie Lucas) - 20/05/2021
Archyde.com - To vaccinate 18-25 year olds, good for everyone? (Sophie Lucas) - 17/05/2021
News.in-24.com - A 3rd dose of the vaccine to maintain long-term immunity? “This announcement is a very bad idea in terms of communication”, according to Coppieters (Sophie Lucas) - 16/05/2021
Archyde.com - Towards an additional dose of the anti-Covid vaccine? “There is no automatic requirement to send a third dose to everyone” (Sophie Lucas) - 16/05/2021
Newsy-today.com - Vaccinate those under 18, it will become essential, according to some experts (Sophie Lucas) - 5/05/2021
News.in-24.com - Vaccinate European children against covid-19? (Sophie Lucas) - 5/05/2021
Euronews.com (+ video) - EMA begins review of Pfizer COVID jab for young teens as US set to OK it (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
Archyde.com - Appearance of a new variant in India: should we be worried? (Sophie Lucas) - 18/04/2021
Today24.news - Could Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine be a game-changer in Europe? “It is in any case a new string to our vaccine bow” (Sophie Lucas) - 3/02/2021
Today24.news - From when are we effectively protected against Covid-19? And at what point? (Sophie Lucas) - 2/02/2021
Archyde.com - The big end-of-year survey of the DH: almost one in two young people do not intend to be vaccinated! (Sophie Lucas) - 21/12/2020
BrusselsTimes.com - Belgian police track and trace fake corona news (Thomas Michiels) - 29/08/2020
News.ESEuro.com - ¿Ha disminuido nuestra inmunidad? “Lo hemos olvidado, pero los hospitales estaban sobrecargados en este periodo antes del Covid” (Sophie Lucas) - 15/01/2023
News.ESEuro.com - La vacuna nasal contra el coronavirus: una técnica prometedora, pero no por ahora (Sophie Lucas) - 9/09/2022
News.ESEuro.com - La salud pública es también la protección de los pacientes inmunocomprometidos (Stefan Constantinescu) - 23/02/2022
News.ESEuro.com - “Los pacientes inmunocomprometidos están en código rojo” (Stefan Constantinescu) - 22/02/2022
News.ESEuro.com - Contagiado de Covid-19, el riesgo de desarrollar una forma grave es mucho mayor si eres hombre: ¿por qué? (Pierre Coulie) - 13/02/2022
News.ESEuro.com - “La condición de experto científico no puede adquirirse por simple autoproclamación”, denuncian una cincuentena de personalidades académicas (Sophie Lucas) - 31/01/2022
News.ESEuro.com - ¿Por qué algunas personas no contraen el coronavirus incluso estando expuestas a él? (Sophie Lucas) - 19/01/2022
News.ESEuro.com - Covid: por qué una cuarta dosis (probablemente) no debería seguir a una tercera (Sophie Lucas) - 18/12/2021
TheThaoVanHoa.vn - Sự khác biệt giữa vaccine Covid-19 cho trẻ em và vaccine cho người lớn (Sophie Lucas) - 6/12/2021
BaoTuyenQuang.com.vn - Sự khác biệt giữa vaccine cho trẻ em và vaccine cho người lớn (Sophie Lucas) - 6/12/2021
Ncov.vnanet.vn - Sống chung an toàn với COVID-19 : Sự khác biệt giữa vaccine cho trẻ em và vaccine cho người lớn (Sophie Lucas) - 6/12/2021
ContactoPolitico.com.ar - ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la vacuna para niños y la vacuna para adultos? (Sophie Lucas) - 4/12/2021
TGComNews24.com - Ricercatori belgi tracciano come le varianti della corona lo rendono più difficile: “Si attacca alle nostre cellule come il velcro” | Corona virus cosa devi sapere (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
MataramInside.com - Peneliti Belgia memetakan bagaimana varian korona membuatnya lebih sulit: ‘Ini menempel pada sel kita seperti Velcro’ | Virus Corona yang perlu kamu ketahui (Sophie Lucas) - 30/11/2021
Nachedeu.com - «естественный» иммунитет лучше, чем иммунитет, полученный от вакцины? (Sophie Lucas) - 15/11/2021
EM.com.br - Não há comprovação de que vacinas anticovid causem distúrbios menstruais (Sophie Lucas) - 23/10/2021
BelgienInfo.net - Belgien wird zum Corona-Flickenteppich (Sophie Lucas) - 17/09/2021
BaoQuocTe.vn - Giải mã sức mạnh của vaccine ngừa Covid-19 trước 'cơn bão biến chủng Delta' (Sophie Lucas) - 2/09/2021
BaoYenBai.com.vn - Israel phát hiện chuỗi lây lan chủng đột biến mới của biến thể Delta (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 20/08/2021
BaoQuangNinh.com.vn - Gia tăng ca mắc, Bỉ lo ngại làn sóng dịch COVID-19 mới (Jean-Christophe Renauld) - 20/08/2021
NotiUlti.com - Coronavirus: ¿por qué hay más personas hospitalizadas que hace un año a pesar de la vacuna? (Pierre Coulie) - 12/08/2021
Albinfo.ch - Vaksinimi në BE, tani fokusi edhe tek adoleshentët (Sophie Lucas) - 29/06/2021
De.euronews.com (+ video) - The Brief: EU-COVID-Impfstrategie auf Kurs (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Es.euronews.com (+ video) - La vacunación avanza en Europa (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
It.euronews.com (+ video) - Come procede la strategia vaccinale nell'Unione Europea? (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Pt.euronews.com (+ video) - UE: Estratégia de vacinação anti-Covid-19 avança a diferentes ritmos (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Hu.euronews.com (+ video) - Letaszították Magyarországot a dobogóról az oltási rangsorban (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Euronews.al (+ video) - Strategjia e vaksinimit, BE është pranë arritjes së objektivit dhe ka në fokus adoleshentët (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Ru.euronews.com (+ video) - Вакцинация: ЕС на разных скоростях (Sophie Lucas) - 28/06/2021
Tw.news.yahoo.com - 強化疫苗保護力 比利時研究施打第3劑 (Sophie Lucas) - 15/05/2021
NotiGlobo.com - Europa evalúa vacuna Pfizer/BioNTech para ser aplicada en menores de 12 años (Sophie Lucas) - 11/05/2021
ElAragüeño.com.ve - Europa evalúa vacunar contra el covid a niños a partir de 12 años (Sophie Lucas) - 11/05/2021
IndicePolitico.com - Altas probabilidades de decidir vacunar a los niños a partir de los 12 años contra la Covid-19 (Sophie Lucas) - 6/05/2021
Tiempo.hn - Canadá aprueba uso de la vacuna de Pfizer a partir de los 12 años (Sophie Lucas) - 5/05/2021
De.euronews.com (+ video) - Impfungen von Kindern rücken näher (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
Es.euronews.com (+ video) - Europa evalúa vacunar a los niños a partir de los 12 años contra la Covid (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
It.euronews.com (+ video) - Siamo vicini a un vaccino anticovid per bambini? (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
Pt.euronews.com (+ video) - Jovens dos 12 aos 16 anos poderão receber a vacina anti-covid (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
Hu.euronews.com (+ video) - A gyerekek beoltására a mutációk elleni harc miatt van szükség (Sophie Lucas) - 4/05/2021
NotiUlti.com - ¿Desde cuándo estamos efectivamente protegidos contra Covid-19? ¿Y en que momento? (Sophie Lucas) - 2/02/2021
Real.gr - Πρόθυμοι να εμβολιαστούν το 50% των Βέλγων - Επιστήμονες: Διστακτικότητα λόγω παραπληροφόρησης (Sophie Lucas) - 21/12/2020
15minutes.gr - Μόνο οι μισοί Βέλγοι είναι πρόθυμοι να εμβολιαστούν, σύμφωνα με δημοσκόπηση (Sophie Lucas) - 21/12/2020
SigmaLive.com - Πρόθυμος να εμβολιαστεί ένας στους δύο Βέλγους (Sophie Lucas) - 21/12/2020
iKypros.com - Πρόθυμος να εμβολιαστεί ένας στους δύο Βέλγους – Η παραπληροφόρηση τρέφει τη διστακτικότητα λένε οι ανοσολόγοι (Sophie Lucas) - 21/12/2020
SmartRadio.ro - „Alcoolul, de Revelion, este sacru!”. Ce aleg rușii între șampanie și vaccin? Combinarea celor două este contraindicată (Sophie Lucas) - 12/12/2020
DCBusiness.ro - Vaccinul SALVATOR! Care este efectul PROTECTOR? Cum ne APĂRĂ (Pierre Coulie) - 07/12/2020
Huashang.be - 新增2503例 | 您需知的关于比利时疫苗的十大问题: 要打几针 副作用 有效期… (Pierre Coulie) - 06/12/2020
Also in LaMeuse.be (Sophie Lucas), LaCapitale.be (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Pierre Coulie), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), LeVif.be (Pierre Coulie), 7sur7.be (Pierre Coulie), DHnet.be (Pierre Coulie), DHnet.be (Pierre Coulie), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), HeadTopics.com (Sophie Lucas), TheWorldNews.net (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Thomas Michiels), Today24.news (Jean-Christophe Renauld), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), Jnews-france.fr (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), TheWorldNews.net (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Pierre Coulie), DHnet.be (Jean-Christophe Renauld), 1001infos.net (Jean-Christophe Renauld), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), HeadTopics.com (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), Jnews-france.fr (Sophie Lucas), TheWorldNews.net (Sophie Lucas), NewsBeezer.com (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Sophie Lucas), LaLibre.be (Sophie Lucas), Actu.orange.fr (Pierre Coulie & Sophie Lucas), Bruxelles.news (Sophie Lucas), NordEclair.fr (Pierre Coulie & Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), Newsy-today.com (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), News.in-24.com (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Sophie Lucas), MSN.com (Sophie Lucas), Mnews.world (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), TheWorldNews.net (Pierre Coulie), VivreIci.be (Pierre Coulie), NewsBeezer.com (Pierre Coulie), TheWorldNews.net (Pierre Coulie), ArchyNewsy.com (Pierre Coulie), NewsBeezer.com (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Pierre Coulie & Benoit Van den Eynde), Sird.eu (Pierre Coulie), Bruxelles.News (Sophie Lucas), Jnews-france.fr (Sophie Lucas), Actu.orange.fr (Sophie Lucas), NewsBeezer.com (Sophie Lucas), NewsBeezer.com (Sophie Lucas), DHnet.be (Jean-Christophe Renauld), News.in-24.com (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), 4suisse.com (Sophie Lucas), VivreIci.be (Sophie Lucas), NewsBeezer.com (Sophie Lucas), NewsFounded.com (Sophie Lucas), HeadTopics.com (Sophie Lucas), TheWorldNews.net (Sophie Lucas), Jnews-france.fr (Jean-François Collet), News.Yahoo.com (Sophie Lucas) & SudInfo.be (Pierre Coulie)